New Studio New Work

2018 has opened with the a studio renovation project finally completed! The new light flowing into the studio has invigorated my practice and my work and I can’t wait to see in what new directions the work will grow. I have posted lots of new work to my website so if it’s been awhile please stop by and visit… and I’d love to hear from you so please feel free to leave a comment!

sali swalla website

HAPPY 2018

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But Most Of All 16×12 oil/wax/cradled wood


Hope this New Year finds all of you happy, healthy and ready to get after some dreams this year! I have been on a month long break from painting as a dream comes true in the form of a remodeled studio for me!! A few more weeks to go before I can get back to work but I know it will be worth the wait!! What dreams are you chasing this year?