HAPPY 2018

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But Most Of All 16×12 oil/wax/cradled wood


Hope this New Year finds all of you happy, healthy and ready to get after some dreams this year! I have been on a month long break from painting as a dream comes true in the form of a remodeled studio for me!! A few more weeks to go before I can get back to work but I know it will be worth the wait!! What dreams are you chasing this year?



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Through the heat of Summer these blues have kept me cool in the studio. Working larger and experimenting with ways to simply get paint onto the surface, moving it from here to there, this series grows. If you are local to Southern California you can see the first two pieces at OC Contemporary Gallery in San Clemente 🙂

With Me 30×40

Along the Way 24×18

Journey 24×18

Does it Feel Like Me

Finding a voice. The ever changing challenge an artist is faced with. It’s such fun to play and experiment and be free when creating the work, but a cohesive body of work is necessary to take things to the “next” level so to speak. I’ve struggled for quite some time with this, but came across a quote from artists Jerry Mcloughlin and Rebecca Crowell’s new Cold Wax Medium Book (AMAZING BTW) that has become my mantra when in the studio… “Does it Feel like Me”?  I may like what I’ve created and even find it beautiful but for it to be honest it has to feel like me. Was the process in getting there one that felt natural to my creative process? Was I being honest with what feelings and emotions I wanted the work to reflect? For better or for worse does the piece sitting on the easel feel like a reflection of myself? Ask yourself these questions and you will find the work coming together in ways you’ve never dreamed.

Cooling off with Cold Wax






Had to stay away from the hot wax last week as it was just toooooo hot. Worked in cold wax to try and cool off 😉 Still sweat quite a bit but the fun was worth it!

Titles in order :  From Here to There 20×20 Cold wax and Oil

Passage 20×20 Cold wax and OIl

Fly With Me 16x16x2 Cold wax and oil on